In today’s world, with growing complexity of business processes, it is imperative that we design business process weighing more on human aspect. We often hear that we need to do more to transform the ‘experience’ of our SAP Customers. Many application design users complain about the quality and level of communication when dealing with SAP. Pivox Labs brings an agile approach to migrate to a user-centric design, leveraging SAP Fiori, and helps clients focus on simplifying processes, delivering exceptional productivity, and quicker user adoption.

UI/UX Developments By Pivox Labs Using SAP Fiori

Pivox Labs delivers powerful user analytics that show you exactly how your users are interacting with SAP Fiori applications, on their desktop and mobile devices, and helps you design software solutions that fit their needs.

Pivox Labs helps you throughout the entire project life cycle – from building a business case to design, development, and production rollout.

  • Prioritize which transactions and processes to focus on first, to ensure a maximum boost in user productivity.
  • Determine which users would benefit the most from a Fiori experience, based on actual utilization of the software.
  • Evaluate whether out-of-the-box Fiori applications will work for your business or whether your users will be better served by new applications.
  • Quantify the actual improvement in user experience and prove the ROI.

Actionable end user data is the key to planning and executing a successful UX. After all, you can’t improve the user experience if you can’t measure it. SAP provides the technology; Pivox Labs provides the intelligence and expertise for using it to its full potential.

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